Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pages 173 - 275


Unknown said...

Hey ladies!! I read the whole thing in basically one sitting while on vaca last week so I am just going to comment here if that's OK!

I liked the way the book was written, and thought the different vantage points were all done well. Even though it jumped around, there was still pretty good character development.

The neighborhood was somewhat realistic to me - I liked that many people didn't really know each other, especially if their children were different ages. This was much like my experience growing up in a CT suburb, and I was glad the author didn't try to make it like they were one big happy family coming together in a time of crisis.

Favorite character? Reeva. I loved her and all of her hot-messery. Her insecurities were so raw and real that I could empathize with her experience, even when she was busy being a cruel bitch to other women. Geo was also a favorite, and I spent most of the book just wanting to hug him and tell him it would be OK and he'd grow up and have lots of friends and be rich.

What I didn't like: the ending. It felt so thrown together. I didn't really understand the whole thing with Linsey being dropped off by her ride but ending up on some weird ranch, etc. etc. I also didn't like Cody and Tina, but I'm sure no one did, and I guess that's the point.

It seemed as though the adults in this neighborhood had already unraveled long before Linsey's disappearance, and maybe they needed something to jolt them back into reality, to remind them what is really important. It's a good lesson to pay attention, and look out for one another. "It takes a village..."

Jhani said...

Just an isolated but necessary comment: Geo's mom's last name is Whitebread? Seriously?!?!

I agree with Erin about loving the multiple perspectives and the different internal struggles of each character but also not loving the end of the book. THere were definitely moments where I felt the author set up suspense that was unmet. For instance, when Abigail gets home, there is cliffhanger that says there is something in her mailbox that would alert the whole neighborhood to her family's private affair (or something like that) but I missed what this was - unless it was just the note from Geo that revealed Linsey was headed to California?

I also felt like Linsey herself had this huge secret that we would find out but really, her whole story was presented to us in a messy and deflated way.

Anyway, I did enjoy the book and I think would recommend it as an interesting read rather than a must-read.

Anonymous said...

I liked the different perspectives, although I felt a few were unnecessary. I understand Mr. Leonard was there to make you believe he did it, but it was too obvious and therefore I felt he was unnecessary.

The ending was a bummer. I kept waiting for some amazing secret to be uncovered and it wasn't.