Monday, July 15, 2013

Part 3, Part 4


Unknown said...

Comments after Part 3:

1. BACK OFF SOO-LIN LEE SEGAL. He's already got plenty of crazy to deal with. Go TORCH yourself elsewhere.

2. The plot thickens with the whole Manjula is really a Russian scam. From the beginning I thought the whole thing was a little weird, especially when we were told she sent their social security numbers to this internet service in India! All I could think was those Nigerian internet scams when they pretend to be your friends who are in trouble and need money wired. I was also highly suspicious that they were only charging $0.75/hr... even for Indian slave labor that seemed a little too good to be true I guess.

Can't wait to see what's next!

Jhani said...

Seriously, Soo-Lin, you are a crazy woman and truly the gnat that Bernadette accuses you of being. And LOL at all this TORCH and victims stuff, it adds a great layer of humor.

Personally, I was surprised at Elgin's reaction to Bernadette's behavior. Yes, Bern's actions were suddenly getting weirder than usual but Elgin went to a place that seemed unwarranted, especially because the book really does set up their relationship as one that is solid and loving, despite Bern's antics.