Saturday, April 14, 2012


Let's give this book club a whirl!!!

To read about how this baby got started, read here

I think it may take a few trials and errors to figure out how to best set this thing up but for now, we'll start simple. Different posts will be designated for different sections of the book and you can just comment on the appropriate section for you depending on how caught up you are. At the bottom of each post is the comments link where you can go and start or join in on a discussion.

I'm also not sure what other people experience with the site since I'm the one that created it. So, if logging in or making comments or anything is tricky, let me know and I'll see if I can find a way to make it better.

So, with that, if you've read up to Chapter 8, go to the post above, and click on comments to get 'er started!

1 comment:

Zoë said...

Woo hoo! I like the blog set up. Haven't started reading the book, but it's on my list to buy! xo