Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Five: Transfiguration


Megan Davis said...

"But... But - you're a lesbian."
"So how can you pray to a God who considers you an abomination?"
Wow, wow and wow. Could you imagine being raise like that? Could you imagine truly believing that, and never seeing it any other way, or hearing of any other way until you were well into your adulthood? SCARY!

"And so, to despise me for loving women or you for being a Red who made love with a woman, would be to despise not only His own creations but also to hate Himself. My God is not so stupid as that."
Loved these lines!!!

"I thought I had, after I was raped, but that was idiotic. How can you lose what is inside of you, what is integrated in each molecule of your body? You cannot lose God any more than you can lose your brain or your soul. Without either of them, there is no you."
Once again, loved these lines.

"Somehow, Hannah couldn't imagine a woman who kept a secret stash of whiskey and referred to Jack Frost's balls like old friends believing there'd been dinosaurs on Noah's Ark."
LOL LOL LOL. I read these lines out loud because they tickled me so. :-)

As I'm sure you can tell, I really enjoyed this book, thank you to who ever suggested it. Hope everyone else enjoyed it as I did. It sometimes touched on personal things for me, and other times infuriated me, and other times, made me laugh. Definitely would recommend this book to many other, and already have.

Jhani said...

I also loved that line from Simone about how her God isn't as stupid as that. I wouldn't say that I necessarily believe in God but Simone's beliefs are pretty close to my own in terms of accepting people for who they are.

While the end of the book became a bit deflated for me, I still recognize that it was a good way to end. Ending up with Aidan (or even Simone!) would have defeated many points of the book. In the end, she had to leave behind the world she came from and start anew in order to appreciate her new self. However, I like that at the last minute, we find out that Aidan went ahead and admitted his abominations because it leaves the book's ending open a little bit. Maybe someday, they will cross paths again.

Great book, Dylan!

Dana Stryker said...

I agree. I didn't like how it ended. I was left wanting more... like where did she go.. who did she end up with.. did she ever speak to her family again... and so many more questions... But all in all I really enjoyed this book.

Jhani said...

Dana, you just reminded me that one thing I was really upset about was Hannah leaving her family behind. I get why she "had" to do it, but the part where we find out that her dad drove around the parking lot all night waiting for her totally broke my heart. And then we never find out what happens with Cole and Becca. I almost wonder if this book could be turned into a series!

Dana Stryker said...

ohhh I can definitely see this book as a series!! And yes I felt bad for her dad who did everything he could to help his daughter. He found the safe house for her to go to and was looking for another place for her after the safe house and yes he drove looking for her in the parking lot. It's sad. I am not a parent but I have to believe as a parent you would do everything you can for your kids no matter what.

Megan Davis said...

I liked the way it ended. She left everyone in their close minded ways behind, including her parents. I think the point is, you change the world, but you can change yours. Know what I mean?

Megan Davis said...

you CAN'T* change the world, but you can change yours* is what I meant. lol

Dylan Valentino said...

So glad everyone seemed to like the book!! My mom and sisters all read it and recommended it- I continue to recommend it to all readers. I was definitely hooked and loved the bond she built with Kayla. I loved the imagery- being in Aidan's cabin, stuffed in the back of a car- it just let my mind run wild painting her landscape of adventure. I think the hopeless romantic in me wanted her to end up with Adian but I know she couldn't have. The part with her dad was so sad as well (Jhani totally pictured my dad driving around a parking lot just waiting :( ) and so I guess in the end she really didn't have a choice.

All in all I really enjoyed it! I just wish I could have written more on here!!!

Zoƫ said...

I'm so late on the comment train, but I thought this book was incredible. Mostly frightening because of the parallels between this dystopian society and ours today, but also a fascinating look at how life experiences can encourage tolerance and change our minds for the better. Hannah became an independent, strong, and powerful woman through these horrifying experiences and will hopefully be able to help others in her position in the future. Great choice, Dylan, and very timely!