Sunday, December 9, 2012

Chapters 1 - 7


Jhani said...


So far, I'm not loving this book too much. I find the narration to be completely dull and mundane. It almost just sounds like a woman talking the way she would at a lunch with a friend. "This happened and this happened and I thought this and I thought that..."

Esther is also slightly annoying as a person. She judges people a lot and seems really naive when it comes to boys and such. Granted, this book takes place many decades ago when societal norms were very different.

But anyway, I know this book is supposed to be about mental deterioration so I'm waiting for the moment when that first shows. Or did that already happen? She talked about waking up the morning after her friend came home drunk and threw up only to find that it looked like that had never happened.

I'm confused. I'm bored. I'm hoping the next leg of the book brings more.

Kristen said...

Helloooo virtual bookclub!

Sorry it has taken me so long to post, it took a minute to get going on the book.

So first off - Jhani, I feel you.. The book isn't quite what I hoped it would be thus far. It must get more interesting because it is so revered as a classic.

I appreciate Plath's writing for creating a sense of the time period and culture, and I enjoy some of the details about the ladies and New York. However, the storyline isn't very linear and I can't quite figure out where we are going.. I mean I know she is headed for a breakdown but I don't think these first 7 chapters were very relevant in setting that up.

In terms of Esther, I also feel like I can't quite figure her out. I think she feels she is different from these girls and the lifestyle expectations, and thinks she doesn't quite fit in.. But I also don't get a sense that she felt much different at home/school before coming to NYC? She definitely is pretty negative which makes her narration kinda "blah" but maybe that's the start of her depressed mindset. I don't really get her relationship with men - she seems pretty ambivalent ultimately. And LBR (let's be real), she has kind of a lesbian flavor which she would prob be more aware of in this day and age.

I'm excited to get a little more into the downward spiral so I can throw some nerdy psychological analysis y'all's way! And I am interested in Sylvia Plath's story and treatment, so regardless I am happy to be reading the book.

I am going to keep reading and try to contribute to the next discussion quicker!

Sesh said...

Ok! trying for the millionth time to comment!

First, I am so excited about this book club, I love the concept!

I was pleasantly surprised by this book because I really did not know much about it before starting. I liked the depictions of NYC, living here makes reading that sort of thing all the more interesting.

Ester, for me, is a tricky type of protagonist. She is so very flawed in these blatant, almost ridiculous ways... She talks so much shit/passes so much judgment on the other girls in her program, thinking of herself as better than many of them...but then she has no idea what type of cocktail to order at the bar, or she turns her nose up to the girls who are probably the most like her, in favor of Doreen...who she eventually ends up turning on as well. I was really bothered by the part in which she is basically assaulted by that creepy short guy who took her to some event. I felt like she has no capacity to handle anything...and then responds in the most irrational ways (I was put off by her throwing all of her clothes into the street---the same clothes that she, as the narrator, make a point of commenting on their expense and high quality and stylishness. I'm curious to see where this story will go. Mental health is my field and interest so I wonder how this is going to unfold.