Monday, May 21, 2012

The Fault In Our Stars

The people have spoken! And by "people" I mean twelve of us, but hey, I thought I'd be the lone vote, so I'm thrilled.

Anyway, for the month of June, we will be reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. I believe it is a young-adult novel so it shouldn't be too hard to get through and for most of us, it will probably be a quick read. Not sure how strong the writing will be since it is meant for teenagers but I have heard it will make you both laugh and cry. Click here to read up on it.

So, as May comes to a close, get your hands on a copy of this book and start turning those pages!


Maryb505 said...

Yay!! I really wanted to read this book so this works out perfect for me! =)

Dana Stryker said...

Are we going to break down the book into chapters like we did for Fifty Shades of Grey?

Jhani said...

Yep! I have it set up so the first chapters of the book will be available to comment on starting on June 1st.

Dana Stryker said...
